The Best and Worst Places for Retirement by Charles Pareigis (April 19, 2018)
These days, many Americans are living longer into their retired years. If you’re fortunate enough to have a decent nest egg, why not take the time to ensure it will be well-spent?
One of the biggest factors of retirement is deciding where to spend it — especially if that nest egg isn’t exactly as big as you’d always dreamed it would be. Therefore, finding the best location to stretch those dollars in your post-workforce years might be a good idea.
Luckily, Wallethub has ranked 150 cities and all 50 states from best to worst as places to retire, based on affordability, quality of life, activities and healthcare. Take a look:
10 best cities for retirement
1. Orlando, FL
2. Tampa, FL
3. Miami
4. Scottsdale, AZ
5. Atlanta
6. Salt Lake City
7. Honolulu
8. Denver
9. Austin, TX
10. Las Vegas
(Three of Florida’s major cities coming out on top should come as no surprise! Great activities and a lack of personal income tax make for a retirement haven.)
10 worst cities for retirement
141. Rancho Cucamonga, CA
142. Fontana, CA
143. Modesto, CA
144. Stockton, CA
145. Fresno, CA
146. Detroit, MI
147. Worcester, MA
148. San Bernardino, CA
149. Providence, RI
150. Newark, NJ
(These East Coast and West Coast cities are brought down by healthcare costs, affordability and quality of life — the latter category gravely affecting Newark, NJ, and Detroit, MI.)
Now let’s look at the best and worst of the overall states themselves:
10 best states
South Dakota
South Carolina
(Florida on top again — imagine that!)
10 worst states
42. Arkansas
43. Kentucky
44. Vermont
45. New Mexico
46. New Jersey
47. Hawaii
48. Connecticut
49. District of Columbia
50. Alaska
51. Rhode Island
(Highest adjusted cost of living, cost of in-home services, crime rate and limited recreational options are all factors that drag down these states’ rankings.)
Keep in mind: There is a difference between “affordability” and overall “quality of life.” While your dollar may go farther in some places, they may be lacking in amenities and options. It’s all about doing your research and weighing your options based on what is going to make you happiest.
Sometimes it just comes down to being close to family — and in that case, perhaps your decision is already made.
But if you have the option to pack up and move, this guide can be a helpful start. Check out the original article here.
And whether retirement is on the near horizon or in the distant future for your employees, it’s never too early to provide them with the best options to fit your business’s — and your employees’— needs.
Reach out today and we’ll work with you to design a plan that resonates with your employees — no matter where they may end up someday!